News & Media

Help! How Do I Unfreeze Pipes?

Now that winter has arrived in full force, frozen pipes are a real possibility for homeowners. This is what happens when your pipes freeze: you go to sleep, the outside temperature drops, and when you wake up, the inside of your home is covered in water. The below-freezing temperatures cause water in your pipes to freeze


Goodbye 2016, Welcome 2017!

Where did this year go? It's hard to believe that 2016 is coming to a close. It's been a big year at Master Plumbing - here are a few highlights:   Leadership Transitions After over 30 years of dedicated service, Dave Judd has announced his retirement. He has helped thousands in the Cedar Rapids area


Winterizing Your Home

It may not feel like it yet, but winter is right around the corner. Here are some steps you can take to get the most out of your plumbing and heating this winter.   Pre-Winter HVAC Inspection Before the cold weather hits, have your heating and ventilation systems checked out by a professional. There are